Terms & Conditions


Golf Saudi (GS) takes the confidentiality of personal data seriously. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments on this privacy policy.
The Company’s privacy policy sets out the ways GS processes personal data. This privacy policy only relates to personal data collected by GS via the GS or SGF website. Any personal data collected by GS is used in accordance with our privacy policy.
This privacy policy does not apply to personal data provided to GS by any other means or via any other website. Users should be aware that if they provide personal data to other companies, the privacy polices of those companies determine the uses to which that information is put and GS’ privacy policy will no longer apply.


By providing personal data to GS, users consent to the processing of such data by GS or its managed properties.

Use of Data For Direct Marketing Purposes

At each point of data collection users are given the opportunity to opt-out of receiving future direct marketing material from GS. Where users do not opt-out of such communications, ALL may provide information on the company’s products, membership services, events, and training and education programmes. If at any time users want GS to stop sending such communications, they should send an email to: info@golfsaudi.com


If, at any time, a user wants to verify, update or amend their personal data they may simple email their request to info@golfsaudi.com
Verification, updating or amendment of personal data takes place within 40 days of receipt of the request.


Cookies are used on this website. If you wish not to re targeted by specific marketing channels, then edits to your settings can be made via your internet browser.

Links to Third Party Websites

This privacy policy applies solely to the personal data collected by GS and does not apply to third party websites users may access from this website.
The Company is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party websites. The Company advises users to read the privacy policies of other websites before registering any personal data.


The Company holds your personal data on file via a password controlled file.

Notification of Changes

If GS decides to change its privacy policy, it will post such changes on this page so that you are always aware of how ALL uses your personal data.

Photos & Video

All photography and videography on the GS website will be consented by the photographer and the persons / facilities within the image. If there is an image or video which includes items / individuals you wish to be removed, please contact GS as stated above info@golfsaudi.com or fill in the enquiry form on the contact us page.
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